Happy New Year!!!

It’s that time again. That time we hit every year, where the current year becomes last year and a new year begins. In this instance, the year 2020 hasn’t been anything remotely close to like what I have experienced in my 40 years aboard this chunk of rock orbiting our sun. Between the COVID-19 pandemic impacting every facet of our lives, inept and corrupt governments across the globe acting in their own best interest instead of their citizens best interests, economic upheaval that has been going on for years but has finally come to a head due to the impacts of the pandemic along with so much more that has gone wrong it’s a wonder more of us didn’t just decide to say “Fuck It” and stay in bed the last 9-12 months.
With that in mind it will be interesting to see if we start off feeling the same way in 2021, if it will be better or if it will be worse. True, the COVID vaccine has started rolling out worldwide giving some hope to our situation but the truth is that the vaccine alone is not the cure to what is ailing us as a species let alone as a people or even individually as yourselves. The economic destruction that has gone on in 2020 will not be easily or quickly resolved just because the calendar year has changed to 2021, just like most other problems each of us has in our lives. That all said though I do wish each of you a Happy New Year and the best of luck. To a better year in 2021 (it shouldn’t take much to do that so I’m really hoping we can all find ourselves in a better spot soon)!

Tommy S.