I must say I can’t think of a better birthday present from EA than for the C&C/RA Remastered Collection to release near my birthday! I spent a good part of this weekend playing the game and I must say it was well worth the wait. I’m working up a quick review of how things look and feel launching and starting to play the game. However a couple of things I will note now is that the graphics look amazing! You can switch between standard and HD graphics in the game (by pressing space bar) to see the difference in real time. The remastered cut scenes definitely look better than the original graphics do at high resolution although you have to remember they weren’t the greatest looking cut scenes to begin with so don’t expect everything to look real life all of a sudden.
Honestly the game play is near identical to the original. There are options to change up how controls and different aspect of the game function but it was easy to set everything to Classic (minus the graphics of course) and jump right in and play like it was the mid-90’s again.
I haven’t played Red Alert much yet but when I do my next update here I will have more info to include about how that game is looking and playing as well. One other cool addition is the Map Editor being included (however it wasn’t wanting to work properly when I initially launched it…) so you can create your own maps in both C&C and RA! More info to come soon but I will end this post with the words I was waiting a long time to hear until Friday morning….. “Welcome Back, Commander”! – Tom S.
Most remakes have the moral dilemma. Whether tis’ nobler to cling to the original aesthetic, OR update the game-play for a modern audience. Then to suffer the slings and arrow of the hard-core fan base.
If only they had made a MOBA out of it.
Fortunately they were able to do a nice job of appeasing multiple groups of fans since you have the option of choosing between Classic controls, New Style controls, or a mix and match of your choice in between the two. So I’d say so far they’ve done a nice job of using a tesla coil against your concern here sir Dan Smith. It’s so rare that actually happens though, you know?